
Design Narrative


As an interior designer, I’ve always enjoyed organizing. I love to get down and dirty, organizing my clothes, closet, belongings, make-up, jewelry. I typically try to keep my place clean, but every couple of months I notice just how messy and out of place things can get. So, I get moving, organizing things up and putting things back in their right place. And then the pattern starts all over.

I know some of you reading this might be thinking I’m slightly obsessed (yes, I am) but another one of my favorite things to do at home is styling my place. I’ve worked as an assistant for interior photoshoots, as well as sets for Tory Burch and Spotify, to name a few. Styling a particular scene, whether its a movie set, campaign or accessories, is one of my favorite things, as there are multiple opportunities and ideas that can be utilized. Creating sets sometimes feels like a dream, that’s how creative you can get! But what about when it comes to your home?

Interior styling for your home, apartment, or even a room, can be tricky at times. Between organizing, cleaning, working from home and genuinely trying to stay busy/sane during quarantine (due to COVID19), styling might be one of the last things you’re thinking of. However, it’s a great way to spruce up your space, adding some much needed finishing touches. Below, I’ve put together some interior styling tips that I use, which can easily be put to use in your space as well:

  • Use what you have. While it can be tempting to create a Pinterest board of your dreams, including shopping at various shops to make said dream come to life, I urge you to first examine what you have. Can anything be repurposed, or even placed differently, to give the space a new feel? Look through your existing belongings before spending the $.

  • Versatility is your friend. If you’ve exhausted yourself in the depths of your closet and belongings you forgot you had, go out and find items that can fit in the scheme of what you’ve already established. Finding key items that can be moved around and transformed, like stools, mirrors, and small chests that can double as storage, are great ways to dress up a space, while also providing much needed essential support.

  • Less is more. I’m sure we’re all familiar with this statement, as it pretty much applies to everything in life. When styling your place, it can be tempting to shop and add as many things, as there are always new things and ways we want to expand or improve. But, as time has shown us, less is more. Using this tip with versatility will help in the long run, as narrowing down items based on these two factors can get you far.

  • Inspiration is all around you. When I travel, I enjoy picking up items or keepsakes that can be used in my room/house. Not only does this remind me of where I’ve been fortunate to go, but it also serves as inspiration, especially when I want to changes things up in my space. Some of my favorite items to pick up are small paintings, rugs, blankets, notebooks and small little objects that are unique or special to that region. I also love earrings! Some earrings I have from India are too heavy to wear, or break easily. These can be displayed and hung in your space for added interest and something different.

While some of these can’t necessarily be done right now (traveling and/or shopping depending on where you live) interior styling is a great way to change up your space. As one of the finishing touches to any space, its something that can easily be changed up depending on the season as well. If you have any comments and ideas I would love to hear!

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